Updated July 1, 2017
Been a while since worked on this
website. Added new logo, checked and edited Music Links pages
To right are images of music album
covers my daughter helped create
for me.
Added new music I have been working on
VST Plugin Examples
Latest News
Guitar Amp Sim
2017 - Update - for now, discontinued work on this, however still available for download.
Working on creating a guitar amp simulator with built in speaker cabinet utilizing the vst creation software: SynthMaker
Site Update - 2017
Added new logo, new, soundcloud music tracks I have been working on, new Music links (deleted old inactive ones), re-oraginizing site.
Here is a video of one of the simple vst plugin,called Zounder, I created in the old SynthMaker CM software (unfortunately no longer available, replaced with Flowstone software).
This video gives some examples of the type of sounds that can be generated with it.